Review: Paranormal (2020)

 Series Review: Paranormal (2020)

Seasons: 1

Episodes: 6


Set in the 1960s, the series, packed with mystery and suspense, depicts the adventures of PARANORMAL leading character Dr. Refaat Ismail, a single hematologist who finds himself faced with a series of supernatural events. 

The series is Egyptian, which pleasantly surprised me. I didn't really research the series before watching, I just wanted to watch something while having breakfast aaand... binged all the way through. It is only the third Middle Eastern Netflix Original and I liked it a lot. I love learning more about other cultures and Middle Eastern cultures are somewhat rare in popular series.

Dr. Ismail is a fascinating character, he has trouble expressing his feelings and his personality is marked by stubbornness. I felt sorry for him most of the time, as a kid he sucked at playing hide and seek so his friends made fun of him. Even as an adult, he is stuck in an arranged engagement and he always seems to be unlucky. What's interesting is him not believing in the paranormal but becoming an expert on it anyway. 

He encounters some interesting cases throughout the episodes but the main case is that of a little girl. That case has a lot of tragedy and drama. What surprised me, is that the social circle of the doctor just accepted the fact that the little girl they had all seen was a ghost. In most ghost series or movies, the main character convinces the family but here it's the opposite. 

The series has variety and we see the doctor evolve in his personality, in the beginning still denying the existence of the paranormal but in the end he actively looks for signs of it to explain what's happening to him. I think it's a good show with lots of things happening, some predictable and some unpredictable. The 6 episodes felt more like 10 because of all the different little stories but the series has a good way of implementing the characters the doctor meets on the road in the main story, so it's all connected in the end . I recommend it to lovers of foreign series, lovers of horror series and to those who just want to watch something over breakfast ;)


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