Review: His House (2020)

 Movie Review: His House (2020)

Length: 1 hour and 33 minutes


A refugee couple makes a harrowing escape from war-torn South Sudan, but then they struggle to adjust to their new life in an English town that has an evil lurking beneath the surface.

I watched this movie without any prior research about it, I just started watching. I had no expectations, I only knew that ghosts would appear at some point. And boy, they did.

As the description says,  a South Sudanese couple starts a new life in England after a long and terrible journey. On that journey they lost a girl and she seems to be haunting the couples new house. This happens only in dark spaces and the couple is in denial at first, but when they discover they both see the same impossible things, they slowly start to realize that it might be real.

The ghosts in your average horror movie usually have one thing in common: They are white. These ghosts aren't white, they are black which makes complete sense. That is, except for the main big bad ghost, that one is white. Black ghosts aren't something I had seen before and I was surprised, ghosts are a part of lots of African cultures so it is perfectly normal to have black ghosts, Hollywood just didn't see it the same way. I am sure there are some exceptions to this but I was very impressed with the ghosts make up, traditional looking costumes and their movements.

The film is not just a scary movie. It also shows how refugees can be treated, living on parole like criminals and being made fun of, even by local black people. Besides that, it shows what impact it can have on the mind to live in a war zone and to lose everything. The need to leave South Sudan was very clear, staying was not an option. The movie really gets people to think, I don't think that the average person spends much time thinking about refugees but maybe we should. They might have been through the most awful things and often, they really left everything behind for a chance at a less shitty life.

The story had some twists, but I did get bored after watching for about half an hour. It seemed really slow to me. Probably because I am used to Hollywood productions that constantly provide action instead of this BBC production, that engages the mind more. 

All in all, I recommend it. There is some really good acting to be seen and it might help you understand the people who risk their lives to leave their homes.


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