Review: Requiem (2018)

 Series Review: Requiem

Seasons: 1

Episodes: 6


When her mother commits suicide, a cellist's life is turned upside down by mysterious questions raised about her past.

I just finished watching Requiem last night so the memory is still fresh while I'm writing this. I started watching right after I finished The Queen's Gambit. The series begins with the introduction of Tilly, who is a famous cellist. Her mother commits suicide in a gruesome way and Tilly goes to Wales to chase after her mother's past.

I loved the first episode. The ones after that are a bit slow but the plot is surprising. I do love some good plottwists so I admired that. There is a lot of death and near-death in the show, almost too much. For most of the time the viewer will wonder, if this is actually a horror or thriller series. The supernatural elements start out very subtle and only in the end the question is answered. 

There is a lot of drama between the characters. They have strong emotions and display those very well. In the end, the viewer has no idea who can be trusted and suspicions rise and fall as the episodes progress. The cello doesn't play a big part in the series, Tilly uses it sometimes when she is frustrated and is recognized for it but that's it. 

When I watched the final episode, I realized I had seen it before and I remembered thinking "What the..." because I understood nothing that happened. You really need to watch the whole series in order to understand the ending, there is a strong but subtle buildup to the final climax.

This is not a series for casual watching. It requires attention. Just listening to it won't be enough either unless you speak Welsh. The language is being used a little throughout the series and I am a big fan of that, it adds to authenticity. I recommend this to anyone who is a fan of plottwists and mysteries, and to those who are a fan of the British accents.


Requiem gets a rating of Restraining.

A big part of the dungeon but not quite there yet.


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